Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Cursing, Swearing, Profanity, etc

What is wrong with curse words? In my opinion, nothing. They are just like any other word. But people go crazy if you use them in public. It is seen as impolite. I will admit, I do not like to hear random cursing. But I do not believe that cursing is something that is so horrible. Words are words. Its the meaning behind them that counts. If I say...what the fuck is going on here? You will think...oh boy, she just said fuck. But if I say...what the freak is going on will say, oh well its good that she didn't curse. It's stupid. I just said the same thing with the same meaning behind the word.

The argument against cursing really bothers me if its a religious one. Because a curse word, as I just said, is just a word. Christians are not supposed to curse, because its seen as dirty and unchristian like and hateful and blah blah. But Christ didn't want words spoke out of anger. So in my above example, I just cursed both times. If I say...I hate you or I hate this or I am so angry! By biblical standards I am cursing. It doesnt matter. It's about the intent of the word not the actual word. If I call you a beep and you know good and well that means bitch, I mind as well had just said bitch. Thats what tickles me about people that use replacement curse words. Its like...same thing buddy. Same thing. But to please people in society, I suppose we should just stay away from words that have been traditionally bad. Or...we could stay away from hateful language. Oh, what a thought!

If I said Oh bullocks in America....people would be like...what in the fuck is she talking about? Huh? What? What is a bullock and that sounds corny and okay, whatever. But apparently this is a curse word here. I was watching a documentary and they kept bleeping out bullocks (which is funny cause I obviously know what he was saying so why like bleep it?). So its just another curse word. Or wanker. Wanker just sounds funny to me. Everyone knoes wanker is penis, even Americans so if you said it to insult someone, its considered a curse word I suppose. Piss. I hate that piss is a curse word. I like to say "So and so pissed me off." OR "I have to piss like a race horse." The last one is my favorite but I guess I can be a bit vulgar.

Anyways, if it offends people, dont curse. If it doesnt, go for it. If your Christian, dont speak out of anger at all. Hmm..which begs the question, can you curse out of happiness as a Christian. One day I shall go to church and say. I totally fucking LOVED today's service. Whooppeee! And my pastor will probably have a chat with me afterwards. lol. I will admit though, I am trying to stop cursing. After all I just said, I just dont like it. And I think its because I rarely curse when I am not angry but sometimes it just feels so needed. It's like salt, bad for you, but necessarily in certain situations. Malcolm X said that only people with a lack of vocabulary curse. I think people with a lack of vocabulary and lazy people curse. I am the latter. But I love that quote. And I also like to insult people intelligently. That's really fun as well. I should probably work on that as a Christian though...yeaaaa.

This is a really great article on cursing. At first it talks about the Recession and how people are cursing more. Well duh, like I stated above, sometimes its just necessary for the moment. But then it goes into what kind of people curse and in what kind of moment. I love the Christian Bale link. That man will never live that tirade down. Its bad to verbally attack people...but can I admit that Christian's Bale's tirade was the funniest *bleep* I ever heard in a long *bleeping* time for *bleepin* reals.

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