Friday, 1 May 2009

Tatttoo Barbie

Mothers are pissed. Oh no! *Sarcasm*
Apparently, a lot of parents are upset about...hold on, I just noticed something. Why do we always say "Mothers are angry" when we talk about products affecting children, especially little girls. Thats a problem.
Anyways. They dont like tattoo barbie. And I will be linking this discussion to you from Jezebel. Yes, I read a lot of Jezebel on a daily basis. Anyways, this is talking about one mom who was livid about this barbie but I am sure that there are more where that came from. As many people commented, why in the hell would anyone be anti-tattoo barbie? What message does it send to young girls, thats its okay to tattoo their bodies? No! That is a horrible thing to teach young girls. What we should teach them is that they have to try their whole life, and I do mean their WHOLE life trying to obtain the physical appearance of Barbie.
Im sorry, but people that are against things like pregnant barbie or interracial dating barbie or casual alcohol drinking barbie are stupid. Because Barbie, by herself, teaches the wrong message. And actually, I am not making up pregnant Barbie...I think she once existed. Anyways, whatever. I dont care. I wouldnt give my future child a barbie anyway.

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