Okay, so before I start I need to warn you. Hopefully you are not like me. Hopefully, when someone tells you to NOT do something for your own good, you dont do it. Please dont google this girls name to see the picture. It is really sickening. I didnt even click on the full size. I say just the little picture that comes up and I beg of you not to do it. It's sickening. Oh my God.
So I came across this article. It's about a family's fight to keep pictures of their daughters car accident off of the internet. Police people took photos of the accident and somehow they got into the hands of the wrong people. So the pictures are all over the internet.
This is being bad. This is being bad for soooo many reasons. Remember my post on Jade Goody? Well, its like the same thing. How dare people that do not know this girl, put photos of her death all over the internet. Its horrible. And why does this family have to fight for these pictures? Authorities should be arresting the people that put the photos up. Seriously. In the pictures, she is almost decapitated and hanging outside of the window. Its horrible. Damnit, why did I have to look? Thats the other part of this being bad. One of the reasons people put it up is that people are so fascinated with gore and "reality" and blah blah. People just want to see horrible things. Maybe that is what lead me to the damn picture myself. We're so damn nosey. Gosh. And I really do believe that its "being bad." Im sorry. There is nothing really healthy about wanting to know what dead people look like. And some people think that there is NOTHING wrong with it. I just think we live in a culture that loves to look at shit we have no business looking at. Its horrible. And I just wish I wouldnt have looked, so please. Dont look. And what kills me is that the damn article says...please dont go look. Cause I mean, damnit, its just what you want to do after reading the article. But I have warned you enough. Dont.
Anyways. I think that its pitiful that people dont respect this girls family's wishes. She deserves NOT to have pictures of her death up like this. And this quote really disgusts me:
Two weeks later, Lesli's brother, Geoff, got a call from a neighbor. "Have you seen the photos?" he asked. Apparently, photos of the crash scene were circulating around town, via e-mail. Soon they showed up on Web sites, many of them dedicated to hard-core pornography and death. A fake MySpace page was set up in Nikki's name, where she was identified as a "stupid bitch." "That spoiled rich girl deserved it," one commenter wrote. "What a waste of a Porsche," announced another. *From article linked above
And you know what. I remember in high school that me and my friends, like everybody, would go on this website. I wont tell you what it is. But their were pictures of like...dead people. Isnt that awful?! I cant believe I am admitting this. But we were so fascinated. I would look and then run away and pray. Cause 1. I felt guilty, 2. I was uber religious and 3. I still couldnt not look after everyone called me over to do so. Or it would be pictures of like...people who go to the hospital, so like someones finger cut off or something. What in the hell is wrong with people? Why did I always walk over to go look? Its just so weird. Is it natural or is it bad? Well heres another quote about it from the article.
...but it doesn't explain why so many people feel compelled to look. Some are driven by simple curiosity, psychologists say—the same urge that causes passing motorists to gawk at accidents. But online, anonymity allows us to go further, without the fear of public judgment. "It's like having a mask," says John Suler, a cyber-psychologist at Rider University. That mask can cause us to behave in ways we normally wouldn't—fueled by a kind of mob mentality. "The people looking at these photos don't have to face this family, and it disconnects them from the victims they're hurting," says Solove, the author of a book about Web privacy, "The Future of Reputation."
The internet is the best and WORST thing to ever happen. I really think that. And I feel awful that I was compelled to look! I wasnt even done reading the article and I had to go look. I do think its like having to see whats going on when you see commotion or an accident.
So I came across this article. It's about a family's fight to keep pictures of their daughters car accident off of the internet. Police people took photos of the accident and somehow they got into the hands of the wrong people. So the pictures are all over the internet.
This is being bad. This is being bad for soooo many reasons. Remember my post on Jade Goody? Well, its like the same thing. How dare people that do not know this girl, put photos of her death all over the internet. Its horrible. And why does this family have to fight for these pictures? Authorities should be arresting the people that put the photos up. Seriously. In the pictures, she is almost decapitated and hanging outside of the window. Its horrible. Damnit, why did I have to look? Thats the other part of this being bad. One of the reasons people put it up is that people are so fascinated with gore and "reality" and blah blah. People just want to see horrible things. Maybe that is what lead me to the damn picture myself. We're so damn nosey. Gosh. And I really do believe that its "being bad." Im sorry. There is nothing really healthy about wanting to know what dead people look like. And some people think that there is NOTHING wrong with it. I just think we live in a culture that loves to look at shit we have no business looking at. Its horrible. And I just wish I wouldnt have looked, so please. Dont look. And what kills me is that the damn article says...please dont go look. Cause I mean, damnit, its just what you want to do after reading the article. But I have warned you enough. Dont.
Anyways. I think that its pitiful that people dont respect this girls family's wishes. She deserves NOT to have pictures of her death up like this. And this quote really disgusts me:
Two weeks later, Lesli's brother, Geoff, got a call from a neighbor. "Have you seen the photos?" he asked. Apparently, photos of the crash scene were circulating around town, via e-mail. Soon they showed up on Web sites, many of them dedicated to hard-core pornography and death. A fake MySpace page was set up in Nikki's name, where she was identified as a "stupid bitch." "That spoiled rich girl deserved it," one commenter wrote. "What a waste of a Porsche," announced another. *From article linked above
And you know what. I remember in high school that me and my friends, like everybody, would go on this website. I wont tell you what it is. But their were pictures of like...dead people. Isnt that awful?! I cant believe I am admitting this. But we were so fascinated. I would look and then run away and pray. Cause 1. I felt guilty, 2. I was uber religious and 3. I still couldnt not look after everyone called me over to do so. Or it would be pictures of like...people who go to the hospital, so like someones finger cut off or something. What in the hell is wrong with people? Why did I always walk over to go look? Its just so weird. Is it natural or is it bad? Well heres another quote about it from the article.
...but it doesn't explain why so many people feel compelled to look. Some are driven by simple curiosity, psychologists say—the same urge that causes passing motorists to gawk at accidents. But online, anonymity allows us to go further, without the fear of public judgment. "It's like having a mask," says John Suler, a cyber-psychologist at Rider University. That mask can cause us to behave in ways we normally wouldn't—fueled by a kind of mob mentality. "The people looking at these photos don't have to face this family, and it disconnects them from the victims they're hurting," says Solove, the author of a book about Web privacy, "The Future of Reputation."
The internet is the best and WORST thing to ever happen. I really think that. And I feel awful that I was compelled to look! I wasnt even done reading the article and I had to go look. I do think its like having to see whats going on when you see commotion or an accident.
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