Thursday, 7 May 2009


I want to talk about drugs. First I will give you the link.

I really like the image that I included in today's post because it shows exactly what I will be talking about. Drugs are considered bad but they are a personal choice and the so called "war on drugs" as we call it in America has gotten out of hand.

I am not just talking about psychedelic drugs right now. I wrote about those drugs in my essay. I am talking about all drugs. I think that the article is right. If America legalized drugs there would be a lot less money focused on a problem that really cant be solved. We could use the money for feeding people and health care and other things such as that. Also, if we regulated drugs crime would go down. So much crime is associated with drugs. There would be less gang related violence. We could control who got drugs and who sold drugs.

We saw in prohibition what happens when something is illegal that people want to use. They will use it. And they will get it anyway that they know how. It isn't complicated. And really, if we aren't talking about children, then whats the problem. The problem is that America doesn't want to look like they do things that aren't religious and morally righteous. We try to take the "high road" which I think usually ends up being the "incredibly naive" road. What do we think? If we pant things as bad then people will not do it. As a matter of fact a lot of the times things happen the opposite way. People love to do what is considered bad. But to be honest, while I am typing, do we really need something else to sell in America? Good grief God. Okay, well if I am not talking about it economically I take this particular stance.

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