Saturday, 2 May 2009

Throwing Away Food

This is considered bad, this is bad. I do it. All the time.

I decided to talk about this because I am talking with my housemate Virginie and she has told me that I have changed a lot from when I first came here. Besides not being very friendly. Hehe. I mean, thats not funny. But seriously, I am an American. And some stereotypes are true for some of us. Mine was that I didnt like any food that wasn't American. I threw so much food away. I mean, the first two weeks that I was here, I am sure I could have fed an entire family. I am serious. For days. It was that bad. I went to a restaurant with the girls and I ordered chicken with a baked potato and veggies. I didnt like it. I gave it away. I then ordered a bagel with chicken. Didnt like, I gave it away. Well actually, I threw that away. The first 2 weeks that I was here, I ate McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC and Subway. American, American, American, American. Even now, I am still funny about eating food I dont like. But I am told that I have changed so much.

But what I find interesting is that my friends, my European friends, believe that throwing away food is wrong. Well, Brits seem to be a tad like Americans.

Throwing away food is not only wrong because there are so many people that go without that we could try to feed. But also, its bad for the environment (as the article above states) because it causes greenhouse gases. Food just ends up in trash fields. Ack. Stop wasting food. And yes, that includes me. I will eat what I have because eating is not solely for pleasure. As a matter of fact, its only about nourishment so whether it tastes good or not should not really matter. As long as it doesnt make me gag and its edible.

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