Monday, 9 March 2009

Master...minding to take over the World.

Lol. That is what me and my friends call masturbation. When one of my friends goes home early from a get together, we all ask...Are you going home to mmasssttteerrr...mind to take over the world? lol. Freakin cracks me up.

Anyways. Masturbation is human and is natural. I hate that sexuality is socialized. People can't seem to have an understanding of sexuality being biological. I think it's religions fault. I think a lot of things are religions fault but that's another story.

Masturbation is also like the concept of sex. People who believe in abstinent only programs believe that it is when your taught about sex, that you begin to think about it and want to participate in it. It makes no sense. This idea that the reason why teenagers have sex is because they are taught about it is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong. We live in a hypersexualized society and no one can argue that. But if you put two people in a room from birth...they would eventually figure out what to do. Because humans are equipped with sexual needs. It's just the way humans were made.

So I am sure that if you put someone in a room from birth, all by their lonesome...they would eventually masturbate. I mean, maybe not masturbate until orgasm but they would figure out that genitals feel good to rub. It's like saying that if you don't teach people how to scratch an itch they'll never figure out what to do. That's bullshit and is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Period.

I think that we need to become a little bit more open about masturbation. And I also think people should stop assuming that women don't masturbate. I have a friend that masturbates like crazy. She says she always goes to sleep right afterwards because it knocks her THATS Master...bating to take over the world. I am telling you. lol.

But no, really. I am so sick of society taking women's sexuality away. Women always have to deal with double standards concerning sex. Women are either sluts or their prunes because they don't have sex enough. And of course, women have no sexual desires other than the desire to please men. They would never want to please themselves in an isolated situation. It's ridiculous to think that! As a feminist I feel that women are constantly having to battle for their sexuality. Women's sexuality is usually based off the needs of men. It's just a lil thing we have in society. The thought that a women is there for men's pleasure and that women don't enjoy sex. Women are prudes. They don't really like orgasms and clitoris's are mythical. Really. Makes no sense. So it's not surprising that our society generally believes that women don't masturbate.

I couldn't even find a picture about masturbation that was feminine and NOT porn. But I totally settled for the funny ass one above. haha.

I think people need to give up on trying to stop people from masturbating. It's just ridiculous. It's sexuality. Sexuality is not evil. Here is an article about a church that is trying to make people ex-masturbaters. LOL. Cracks me up.
Feministing Article


  1. Great post! Just thought I'd tell you :) //Johanna

  2. ...Frank, truthful and justified...

    for full comments see "blogskumar2009"
