So, I had some writers block. It's not that I am not opinionated. Definetely not that. As a matter of fact, I would not call it writers block, I would call it laziness. But now, I have been motivated to write.
Why? Because my hair smells of smoke. Ciggarette smoke. This is weird...because I do not smoke. As a matter of fact I hate smoking so much that I am short of saying that I hate smokers. My hair picks up smoke very quickly. And the fact that so many people around me smoke, that it has made my hair smell of smoke pisses me off. Not only does my hair smell like smoke, but it is dry and brittle, because thats what smoke does to my hair.
And this is why people should not be able to smoke so freely. I do not care that people smoke. Really. This is your choice and I believe that everyone should have the right to do what they want for themselves. But smoking never affects one person. People say that smoking is like being morbidly obese. While I dont think the argument that people leave morbidly obese people alone and do not do the same to smokers is flawed, I do believe that its the same issue. That issue is personal choice. If someone chooses something for themselves that society and health phsycians deem as unhealthy, it is their right and their choice. But people that are morbidly obese and eat a lot do not force their lifestyles on other people. I never had to wash my hair out because it smelled like twinkies. (And maybe I wouldnt because that sounds yummy). I have to do a lot to my hair. I have locs and my locs require a lot of maintenance. I, myself, am high maintanced anyways. It takes me 2 hours to wash and style my hair. It takes me 6-7 hours to retwist my hair. I choose not to smoke because I hate smoke and its smell and its effects. It is unfair that I have to wash my hair tonight because it smells like smoke. And it is unfair that I have to smoke with other people. I have to inhale the smoke and I have to have watery eyes. And smokers dont care. They just smoke their smoke and blow it whichever way. Its incredibly rude.
At home, in Ohio, we just had legistlation pass which forbids smoking within 25 feet of a building. Their are signs on most building doors that have a number on it. If their are people smoking right outside buildings and the owners of the establishment or building do nothing about it, I can call that number and have that establishment fined. And that, of course, encourages establishments to make sure people are not smoking outside of their buildings. I voted on this issue. I voted for that little sign with the 1800 number on it. Because that's what I felt was necessary to protect the rights of all. I have argued with many people about this. Smokers say that it is an infringement upon their rights. But no one has a right to inforce anything upon me, and thats what smokers do. I have the right to breath clean air! It's a human right. Smokers force me to smoke as well. Another example...at my school, before the law went into affect...their would be smokers at the doors of buildings. This meant no matter where you wanted to enter a building, their would be smoke. How ridiculous is that!
Before this law went into affect many establishments had the right ot decide if smokers were allowed. So, government buildings were a no but bars and bowling alleys were a yes. So if you wanted to have a drink or go bowl you had to put up with smoke. But now the law may be overturned because businesses believe they have the right to choose whether their customers/clients smoke in their establishment. This is where I am torn. I do beleive that businesses should have the right to choose...but where do we draw the line? Do I have to smell smoke on my way into the gym or while I am getting a smoothie or will they just overturn it where the smoke is back into clubs/bars and bowling alleys. I guess if I dont like it, I can boycott the establishment and they won't get my money...but it is only MY money. When I get back to Ohio I will work with whoever I have to to see that this law is not overturned.
Point is. Smoke. Smoke your life away. Smoke until you can't smoke anymore. Smoke until you die of cancer. Smoke until you don't die of cancer. Smoke until your nails are yellow and your hair stinks and smoke until you dont smell like smoke at all. Point is, keep it to yourself. Now, I must go wash my hair.
Smoke Free Ohio
Ohio Smoking Ban
And I also wanted to say that it is not true what some people were saying in class. Not every state is smoke free. I too, was misinformed. Their are 15 states that are "smoke-free" but it is up to each state and each local government what to do about smoking. So only 15 of the states have state wide smoking bans.